We are a husband and wife team

We have been married 15 years

And work together 24 hours a day
7 days a week

That's an accomplishment in itself

This is Jodi Jackson
Our buyers specialist
She does not list homes so she is always a Buyer's Agent

Specializing in helping you get here with low hassle.

E-Mail her today for help.

This is (me)
Terry Jackson
I specialize in marketing
Homes for sale and
building new custom homes.
Email me today for selling or building

This is Cheryl Baca our office manager/ closing coordinator.
She ensures a new listing is on the internet and is ready to close when sold.

This is Tanya Edge Hensley
Our call coordinator. She handles all our calls to include inquiries on listings in a professional manner.
Ensuring we get your call.

Contact Info:
Click to Email:  homes@teamjackson.com
Call Team Jackson at (800) 841-8817